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This section provides links to and descriptions of systems and resources that you need to apply for and manage research and innovation awards.

University systems


KRISTAL facilitates the costing and pricing of applications, streamlines award set up and maintenance.

Access to KRISTAL for research support staff is managed by the Research Operations team. Academic access is managed by the Faculty Research and Innovation Offices.

KRISTAL can be accessed through the Self Service website.

2. QlikView

Research reports are delivered through QlikView, the University’s preferred solution for delivering reports.

Research support staff should contact Research Operations team for authorisation to access QlikView.

If an academic colleague is a designated investigator on grant X, they will be granted automatic access to certain QlikView reports (e.g. My Grants) pertaining to that grant.


An add-on to KRISTAL, SOLAR is used to log and monitor University research contracts within the RIS Legal team.

Existing KRISTAL roles automatically give access to SOLAR so you should already have access if you work in a Faculty Research and Innovation Office, or are a project manager, or an academic on a grant or part of Research and Innovation Service.

If you are in any other role and need access to SOLAR only, contact Research Operations.

4. SAP

The University runs most of its business systems using SAP ERP Software. This system is used for processing research grants, together with all their related data and associated transactions.

Research Support staff and members of the central RIS support teams are granted access to a number of SAP transactions as part of their KRISTAL access set up.

5. SiriusWeb

SiriusWeb is an internet based staff costs calculator developed to assist anyone within the HEI sector involved in costing a new appointment, research administration processes or the regular preparation of annual budgets

For a chosen grade, it will calculate the full employment costs, including the employer’s pension and national insurance contributions, increments and pay awards for a specific contract duration.

External online submission systems

Most funders require grant applications to be submitted using their online submission system. Some funders use a two-step submission process. To use these systems investigators and/or research support staff need to create an account. This process can take some time to complete so the registration process should be initiated as early as possible in the proposal development phase to ensure application can be submitted on time.

1. UKRI: Je-S and The Funding Service

UKRI are in the process of transitioning from the Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) to the Funding Service (TFS).
Je-S accounts will not be migrated to TFS.

Academic users can create their own account on TFS as part of the application process.

All other users, e.g. research support staff, should contact Research Operations who will need to liaise with the UKRI helpdesk in order to create admin accounts.

UKRI guidance for applicants using TFS
UoL resources for researchers using TFS

2. Wellcome Trust - Grant Tracker and the New Funding Platform

In 2023, wellcome launched the new Funding Platform.

Research Support staff should contact Research Operations in order to be added to the UoL workspace.

All academic users need to create an account on the new Funding Platform, however CV information from Grant Tracker accounts will be migrated once academics have set up a new account.

3.  Other major UK funder submission portals

4. Major international funder submission portals