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Awards funded by UKRI via Je-S

UKRI's Joint Electronic Submissions system (Je-S) is being used to fund all Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and European Research Council (ERC) awards applied for under the UKRI guarantee fund.

For mono-beneficiary awards, namely MSCA Individual Fellowships and ERC, the University of Leeds has to 'reject' the award made by the European Commission (EC) and then apply separately for funding from UKRI.

For MSCA Doctoral Networks (DNs), which are multi-beneficiary projects, the status of  the University of Leeds  has to be changed from 'beneficiary' to 'associated partner' before an application can be made to UKRI. The University of Leeds will therefore still be part of the project consortium but will receive their funding from UKRI instead.

The EU post award team and the Faculty Research and Innovation Offices (FRIOs)  will continue to provide support and guidance for the underwrite awards, ensuring we adhere to the rules that UKRI impose on their funding.

Guidance is available supporting the various policies and processes regarding:

Applying for UKRI funding via Je-S (following non-association)

All applications to UKRI will be prepared and submitted by the EU team, with input from the Principal Investigator (PI) and the Faculty Research and Innovation Office (FRIO), using the specific guidance issued by UKRI for the underwrite funding calls.

Once the application has been completed and checked, it will be transferred to the PI for submission and will then be approved following the usual Je-S approvals process for the Faculty.

Award Set up

Attached is specific guidance which should be used when setting up a UKRI underwrite award on KRISTAL.

This set up process allows us to a) identify which awards are EC awards underwritten by UKRI and b) manage the Euro to GBP budget which will still be relevant for these awards.

Eligibility of costs

All underwrite awards funded via Je-S must follow UKRI terms and conditions on eligibility which can be found on the UKRI Manage your award page.


For EC awards underwritten by UKRI (via Je-S) a timesheet is required for all project staff working less than 100%, using the following templates and guidance:

This template is similar to the current H2020 to avoid confusion for project staff who may be working on both H2020 and on a Horizon Europe underwrite project.

The main difference between the templates is that UKRI required project staff to report hours worked on all activities and not just the UKRI project.

For project staff working exclusively for the UKRI project a declaration of exclusivity can be used.

Reporting requirements

