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COST Info Day & Networking Event - Cancelled

EU Funding
EU Funding Team events
Thursday 23 March 2023, 9:30- 14:00
Target Audience
Academics at any career stage and from any field of research (especially young researchers/early-career researchers); R&I staff.

The event originally scheduled to take place on Thursday, 23 March 2023 is now cancelled. Unfortunately, circumstances beyond the organisers' control made it necessary to cancel this event.

Event Summary

The aim of this session is to inform researchers and innovators about how to connect with ongoing COST Actions or submit a COST proposal, the role and impact of the programme, and the benefits of participating in COST Actions for researchers’ careers, with a focus on young researchers.

The session will:

  • Provide attendees with an overview of COST and the benefits of participation
  • Outline the different ways/funding opportunities available to get involved in a COST Action (e.g. joining an existing COST Action or submitting a COST proposal)
  • Highlight specific opportunities for young researchers* such as training schools and short-term scientific missions (STSM)
    *defined by the COST Association as those under 40 years old
  • UK participation in COST. The UK is a full COST member and continues to enjoy all of the benefits of membership, including being fully reimbursed for engagement in COST Actions

A light lunch will be served at the end of the session, giving the opportunities for attendees to ask questions to Judith Litjens from the COST Association, our panel speakers, as well as network and share ideas with other attendees.

Consult the Agenda & Register