Applications for Institutional Translational Funding must meet the following criteria:
Project remit:
- Funded projects must sit within the remit and aims of the funding bodies which support the University's harmonised translational funding.
- Applicants to the STFC KEIA must also be able to demonstrate a link between the proposed project and funding previously awarded by STFC.
- The project should have the potential to deliver economic, environmental and/or societal benefit to organisations or citizens outside academia.
- Awards are not for the continuation of existing research, bridge-funding nor to keep research officers/assistants employed beyond the term of their contracts. Applications should focus on the development of impact activities and outcomes not research itself.
- Funding is not intended to support entire translational projects, proposals to progress opportunities which have previously been supported through the same type of institutional translational funding will require robust justification as to why further funding for this activity is required.
- If the intended impact is to be achieved through commercialisation the intellectual property being commercialised must be 100% University of Leeds owned or the University of Leeds has in advance already agreed rights to develop, exploit and share revenues from the technology.
- Submission of interdisciplinary applications is encouraged.
Applicant eligibility:
- Investigators may be any researcher who at the point of application holds a current contract of employment at the University of Leeds which will last the duration of the proposed activity for which funding is applied for.
- Applications led by, or with a significant proportion of team members drawn from, Early Career Researcher communities are particularly welcomed.
External collaborators:
Where a collaborative project partner is a requirement of the supported activity:
- Collaborative partners may include any non-HEI external organisation incl. business, local and national government, charities, non-government organisations, educational institutions, community groups and social enterprises.
- Collaborative partners must be committed to supporting the applicant with the expertise/personnel/ infrastructure necessary to develop the project. This commitment, including the level of cash and/or in-kind contribution, must be articulated in a letter of support from the partner to be submitted with the application.
- Other Universities can also be co-applicants to applications but alone do not constitute collaborative partners. We would expect co-funding from the other HEI institutions where they are involved in any application; this may take the form of co-funding with another IAA where relevant.
- Funding for collaborative activities is particularly aimed at supporting new/early relationships. To be eligible one of the following statements must be true regarding the prior relationship with the external organisation (or team/department within the external organisation in the case of larger entities):
- Members of the academic team have not previously engaged/collaborated with the external organisation.
- Members of the academic team have previously engaged/collaborated with the external organisation on an unrelated matter/project.
- Members of the academic team have a well-established relationship with the external organisation with multiple previous engagements/collaborations and the application provides a clear case for further development of a strategic relationship via the IAA project.
Ineligible activities:
- New, fundamental research.
- Secondments to other HEI institutions.
- Consultancy undertaken by University staff for the benefit of an external organisation.
- Top-up funding for pre-existing projects.
- Non-Specific Public Engagement activities and science communication. However, funding may support public engagement where interaction is key to informing the research impact such as user or patient engagement as a critical pathway to achieving societal and/or economic impact.