Contracting process
I need to put in place a legal agreement, what do I need to do?
Before the University enters into any form of legal agreement, there are various steps to be taken. Use our guide on how to engage the relevant team to assist you.
Is it research?
Whether the activity you intend to undertake is classified as “research” or not will determine which team within the University is able to assist with your matter, so it is important to establish this first. The research definition provides guidance on what constitutes research.
Yes, it is research – who can help?
As soon as you know that a research contract is required, the next step is to contact the relevant staff member in the Faculty Research and Innovation Office (FRIO). This needs to be done straightaway to ensure the appropriate contract(s) are finalised before the work begins.
The FRIO will be able to advise whether or not the research activity is considered to be Standard or Non-Standard research, which will determine whether the contractual matter is dealt with locally within the FRIO or by the RIS Contracts Team.
No, it is not a research related matter – who can help?
All matters which are not research-related (such as taught matters, fee for service and publishing agreements) these fall outside of the RIS Contracts Team’s remit and should therefore be directed to the relevant team within the University. A list of some non-research related contracts, and contact details for the teams responsible for these can be found here.
I’m not sure if the activity I want to undertake can be classified as research or not – who can help?
If you are unsure whether your contract can be classified as a “research contract” or not, please get in touch with the relevant Contracts team member or Tamsin Holt.
How long will it take to put a research contract in place?
The time taken to finalise a contract varies greatly depending on several factors, so it is important to consider these when planning your project.
Please see timescales for the contracting process for further guidance on how long it may typically take to have a research contract in place.