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Researchfish is the system through which many major research funders (for example the UKRI Research Councils, Cancer Research UK, British Heart Foundation) collect information about the outcomes of research projects they have funded.  This information allows funders to track and demonstrate the impact of their funding.

A funder’s grant conditions will confirm whether principal investigators are expected to use Researchfish to report outcomes.

Typically a funder that uses Researchfish will require reports throughout the lifetime of an award and for some years after the project has ended.

Funders communicate direct with principal investigators by email to let them know what to report and when the submission periods are. Many funders (including the UKRI research councils) impose penalties if submissions are not made when they are required.

The RIS Quality and Policy team works with Faculty-based colleagues to support ensure that submissions are completed.  During the major submission periods we provide progress reports to Research and Innovation Pro-Deans and Heads of School.

Using Researchfish

If you are a principal investigator then you will receive instructions from your funder explaining how to register and how to grant access to others who can help you put your submission together.

There is guidance available within Researchfish.   You can access the help and guidance from the Researchfish log in page.

Why report?


Using Researchfish – please consult the guidance available within Researchfish in the first instance.  If you cannot find an answer there the RIS Quality and Policy team will be happy to help.