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Innovation Funding

Research translation and industry linked funding

There are a range of translational research funding routes available to academic researchers to progress their research from a basic/fundamental discovery or idea through to real world implementation for societal, cultural, environmental and/or economic benefit.

A summary of translational research funding available from internal and external sources is provided, with a specific focus on UKRI research councils and NIHR. Information is also provided on complementary funding from other sources, such as charities.

There are also a range of business/industry linked collaborative R&I funding available from internal and external sources, with a specific focus on UKRI research councils and Innovate UK. Where applicable, information is also provided on complementary funding from other sources, such as Open Innovation Platforms. Such collaborative funding with business/industry can either be business/industry-led or academic-led.

Translational research funding

Translational research funding describes funding that is specifically focused on taking a basic research discovery or idea through to real world implementation for societal, cultural, environmental and/or economic benefit. 

A summary of currently available translational research funding (internal and external sources), with a specific focus on UKRI research councils and NIHR is provided.

Information is also provided on complementary funding from other sources, such as charities. 

Complimentary information is also available for industry-linked funding schemes, which can be business/industry or academic led.  


Business/industry linked funding

Collaborative funding with industry can either be industry-led or academic-led 

A summary of currently available industry linked collaborative R&I funding (internal and external sources), with a specific focus on UKRI research councils and Innovate UK is provided.

Where applicable, information is also provided on complementary funding from other sources, such as Open Innovation Platforms.