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If there are any changes needed to the Grant Agreement or any of its annexes, a formal amendment must be initiated with the European Commission (EC). In most instances amendments must be completed before the end of the project.

What type of changes require a formal amendment?

  • no-cost extension requests
  • suspensions e.g. on Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) where the fellow takes a period of maternity leave or where work cannot be carried out for a period of time
  • termination of project e.g. on MSCA where the fellow leaves the University, or if a project cannot be completed successfully
  • change of work plan e.g. moving tasks amongst project beneficiaries
  • termination or addition of a new beneficiary
  • change of host beneficiary or transfer of project to a new beneficiary

Amendments are normally NOT necessary for:

  • budget transfers between beneficiaries if the work plan is not changing
  • budget virements between headings
  • slight change of methodology if overall work plan remains the same
  • name or address changes of beneficiaries
  • universal takeovers of a participant
  • change of bank details

Please contact the EU post award team if you feel an amendment is needed for your project so we can advise you on the process for doing this.

Further guidance can be found using the EC's online manual.