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Policy engagement

At the University of Leeds we want our research to impact lives and help make the world a better place. One route to do this is through influencing policy development by informing and challenging policymakers with strong research evidence and ideas.

Research is most likely to have policy impact when it is timely, relevant, accessible, of good quality, and where a trusted relationship has been developed between researchers and policymakers. We are supporting researchers at the University of Leeds develop the knowledge, skills and relationships to effectively engage with policymakers. Our aim is to strengthen the influence and impact of research from across the University of Leeds on policy design, delivery and impact at local, national and international levels.

How Policy Leeds can support you

Policy Leeds is a cross University initiative to support policy engagement, it acts as a coordinating hub to bring together researchers, policy-makers and practitioner communities in innovative collaborations.

We support policy engagement by:

  • Linking policy actors and Leeds researchers,
  • Sharing policy engagement opportunities,
  • Promoting the policy engagement undertaken across the University of Leeds,
  • Supporting meetings, events and external collaborations that bring together researchers and the policy community,
  • Providing bespoke service of guidance for those wanting to develop their policy engagement, including research proposals and policy notes and briefings,
  • Facilitating professional development opportunities for staff.

Other initiatives

Impact and coaching training

The Organisational Development and Professional Learning (OD&PL) team provides a variety of training to support research impact, including policy engagement. For impact resources connected to policy, please visit the Policy impact webpageGed Hall can also provide one-to-one coaching.

Leeds Social Sciences Institute

The Leeds Social Sciences Institute (LSSI) is a cross-University platform that is committed to championing the social sciences and fostering collaborations that can produce 'research with impact'.

  • supporting the policy and public engagement activities of the LSSI
  • support academics interested in engaging with local, national or even international policy communities or keen to explore opportunities for research-informed public engagement.

Impact Support Professionals

There are many other impact support professionals based in the University’s Schools and Faculties that may be able to support policy engagement activities.

Please contact us to be put in touch with the most appropriate person.

Visit our website