Find funding opportunities
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The University of Leeds provides all staff access to Pivot-RP, a searchable database of external research funding opportunities from UK and international funding bodies.
With Pivot, you can easily explore new avenues for funding, view funding opportunities uniquely matched to your area of research and collaborate with colleagues as well as:
- Carry out a live search in real time for funding opportunities using keywords
- Track opportunities you are interested in to receive live updates
- Set up personalised search criteria for funding opportunities bespoke to your area of research
- Receive weekly funding emails based on your bespoke funding searches with up to date opportunities
- Access already set up curated funding searches based on career stage or research area (see below)
- Find key research and development contacts within the University for funding calls with dedicated research development support
- Review internal funding for translation on offer from the University of Leeds
Staff can log in to Pivot-RP by using their University log in details via the ‘Use login from my institution’ option on the Pivot-RP sign in page and choosing University of Leeds from the drop down list. Once you have logged in you will be asked to link your account with your researcher profile, you can 'claim your profile' for bespoke funding opportunity information relevant to your research area.
Training and guidance
Follow this link to the SharePoint site where you can find some user-guides. (University of Leeds staff only)
The Pivot-RP knowledge centre has a wealth of articles, videos and other training materials which you will find extremely useful when using the site, also the client support team is on hand to answer any questions you may have. Follow this link to access this information and contact Pivot-RP directly.
Curated searches
We have set up some key searches you can access by following the links below once you have set up your Pivot-RP account. You can find information on how to set up your own searches via the links in the 'training and guidance' section above.
Arts and humanities Pivot-RP curated search
Business Pivot-RP curated search
Biological sciences Pivot-RP curated search
Engineering and physical sciences Pivot-RP curated search
Environmental sciences Pivot-RP curated search
Medical sciences Pivot-RP curated search
Social Sciences Pivot-RP curated search
Demand managed and internal processes Pivot-RP curated search (limited submissions)
Early career fellowships Pivot-RP curated search
Internal funding Pivot-RP curated search
Follow this link to find out more about the ‘Super-users’ located across the University who champion use of the site. (University of Leeds staff only)