Institutionally coordinated opportunities
Some funding calls have restrictions in terms of the number of applications that can be submitted by an institution or require the University to have in place other forms of demand management, eligibility or quality control.
Where such rules apply, the Research and Innovation Service will manage the University’s response to the call by designing and running a selection process to ensure that the restrictions of the funder are adhered to and that we submit the best possible application(s).
For all our institutionally coordinated opportunities where there is a demand management or decision-making panel, we consider the composition of the panel and have ED&I as the first main agenda item.
Processes can include:
- outline or expressions of interest stages, with a selected number chosen by an internal panel to proceed to a full application
- workshops to help applicants develop applications to certain schemes or to pitch their early ideas to colleagues
- review of proposals to ensure fit with the call and eligibility of the applicant(s)
- networking events to enable researchers to build teams
- support of the chosen applicant(s) including advice on proposal development and peer review of the final draft
Below is a list of opportunities that are coordinated centrally.
Research grant funding
- ESRC Large Grants and Centres schemes
- Global Challenges Research Fund
- EPSRC Strategic Equipment
- EPSRC New Investigator Award
- ESRC research grants (open call)
- Leverhulme Research Centres and Doctoral Scholarships
- Leverhulme Research Leadership Awards
- NERC Discovery Science
- UKRI Strength in Places fund
Fellowship funding
- AHRC grants in responsive mode
- AXA Post-doctoral Fellowships
- EPSRC Fellowships
- ESRC New Investigator Grants
- MRC Transition to Independence Awards
- NERC Independent Research Fellowships
- NIHR Global Research Professorships
- NIHR Research Professorships
- NIHR Doctoral Fellowships
- NIHR Advanced Fellowships
- NIHR/ M RC Clinical Academic Research Partnerships (CARP)
- Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships
- Royal Society University Research Fellowships
- UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships (details of UKRI FLF internal process for external applicants)
- Wellcome Career Development Awards
- Wellcome Early-Career Awards