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Eligible costs

Applicants should provide a project costing with their proposal prepared in conjunction with their Faculty Research and Innovation Office (FRIO). Successful projects will have an account set up for these costs.

The IAA award will only cover the direct costs associated with the project. VAT must be included in the figures as the University cannot reclaim VAT from EPSRC-funded projects.

The following costs are not eligible to be funded through IAA (but could be funded by the external partner or internal fund if appropriate):

  • academic supervision (Investigator DI or Investigator DA)
  • items of equipment with an individual value of £10,000 or more (items of equipment over £500 must be detailed in the justification of resources)
  • laptops, iPads etc, unless robust justification is provided
  • tuition or bench fees for PhD students
  • patent costs
  • indirect costs, estates or infrastructure
  • the cost of activities that fall beyond 31 March 2022

Costs associated with attendance at conferences will be considered but must be detailed in the justification of resources.