Other Innovation funding
Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) Open Call for Innovation
What is the Open Call?
The Open Call competition is one of the competition mechanisms DASA uses to find proposals that address the challenges faced by government stakeholders.
It gives bidders the opportunity to present their ideas to defence and security stakeholders at any time and without waiting for a relevant Themed Competition.
Whilst the Open Call welcomes a wide range of ideas and innovations to solve problems faced by DASA’s defence and security customers, DASA also shares details from stakeholders across Government on more specific areas of interest.
How it works
DASA Open Call Innovation Focus Areas provides information on innovation focus areas, which are enduring and specific topics where DASA’s customers would be keen to see innovative solutions channelled via the Open Call.
Proposals which address these areas of interest can be submitted into either of the Open Calls.
Visit DASA Open Call Innovation Focus Areas and set up an alert for new innovation focus areas being added, or old ones deleted or amended.
Each innovation focus area has a unique identifier to ensure that your innovation is seen by the appropriate parts of Government. When submitting a proposal, add the identifier to the beginning of your proposal title. For example: IFA001 - A Novel Idea for Finding Suspicious Items on Airline Passengers.